Picture of Michael Zhu
Hi, I'm Michael.
I'm studying computer science at UC Berkeley. Last summer I interned at Amazon as an software development engineer on the Alexa Conversational Shopping team. I'm also doing due diligence and research on the AI hardware accelerator industry at Riot Ventures. You can catch me live sometimes at ugly.video/michael.
Past Work
April 2021
Improving Free Adversarial Training using Scheduling, Augmentations, and Denoising
Implemented scheduling of inner loop constraints to optimize adversarial training. Used data augmentation and weighted constrastive loss to improve classifier performance against geometric image perturbations.
ugly video
February 2021
ugly.video - Less serious video conferencing
Used WebRTC to build a video conferencing tool for the browser. Implemented whiteboard and image sharing features. Custom UI/UX design to minimize friction in creating new meetings and inviting people.
sentiment analysis
December 2020
Sentiment analysis with Ludwig's deep learning toolkit
Compared three different deep learning architechtures (parallel-CNN, Bi-LSTM, BERT) on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset. Find the source code here.
supply iOS app
August 2020
Supply: Enabling community sharing of essential items
Users can request and donate essential items to their local community through the Supply iOS app. Designed in Figma. Made with Swift and Xcode.
supply iOS app
June 2020
StatFinder: Parse the internet for relevant statistics
Users input the URL of a webpage. The web app queries a custom API that parses the page for relevant statistics and displays them in order of importance. Find the source code here.
crowd insights heatmap
February 2020
Crowd Insights: Real-time computer vision for analyzing crowds
Identify clusters and lines of people in real time using Pytorch, Flask, and Google Cloud Compute. Visualize human traffic behavior over time to make more informed business decisions.
oskibot uc berkeley course reccomendation chatbot
October 2019
OskiBot: UC Berkeley course recommendation chatbot
Students input which graduation requirements they want to fulfill and OskiBot responds with a list of it's top five recommended courses that match the user's requirements. Find the source code here.
assistive wristband for the visually impaired
May 2018
BlindSight: Assistive wristband for the visually impaired
Camera module, haptic motors, and object recognition system built into a wristband. Tells the user what object they are pointing to and helps them locate the object through haptic feedback.